Real Life Awaits

Boardwalk Collective exists to see children, youth and young adults come alive in Jesus through fun and adventurous outdoor activities.

Real life awaits for every person if they choose it. Life in Jesus is fun, real, open, and deep. Come and discover real life!

We are more than just a ministry, we’re promoting a lifestyle.

Boardwalk Collective is a ministry focused on helping children, youth and young adults find hope and life in Jesus through the fun and adventure of outdoor boarding activity: surfing, SUP, skateboard.

Ready to take the next step? Get involved!

We have so many opportunities at the Boardwalk Collective: joining us for one of our camps, staying at our retreat centre, coming with your school or youth group, or volunteering with us. There is something for everyone!

“So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them.”

Ecclesiastes 8:15

Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of the natural world and learn about Jesus together

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